• 24 Jul 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article Summary

This page contains general Autify Connect FAQ, divided into security and networking sections. If you would like to check for information about common errors and tips please go to Autify Connect Common Errors.

Security issue FAQs

Can person A delete an access point created by person B?

Yes. Since access points are managed on the Workspace settings page, anyone with access to the Workspace settings page can delete them.

What happens if access point keys are leaked?

The only thing that an attacker can do is to launch the Autify Connect client using the key. They cannot request any data using the key, nor retrieve any data stored in the closed network.

Can Autify Connect be used with Basic Authentication?

Providing your Autify Connect driven scenarios use the same domain as that configured for basic authentication in your workspace, there should be no problem!

For more details on how to set up basic authentication, refer to the “Do you support BASIC authentication?” FAQ.

When using Autify Connect, what is the source IP address?

When using Autify Connect, the source IP address for the test run will be the IP address of the environment in which the Autify Connect client is running.

Are multiple access point keys required to run multiple Autify Connect clients at the same time?

Yes. When running terminal clients at the same time, each client needs to have its own access point key.

Where can I check the release history of Autify Connect

You can check all release notes via the Autify Connect Release Notes page.

How can I confirm that the Autify connection is ready for use?

After you input autifyconnect in the command line, the following message will be shown if the connection was successful:

$ autifyconnect

2022-09-07T19:29:04.411+0900	INFO	Successfully connected!
Check autifyconnect readiness continuously

If you want to monitor the daemonized Autify Connect client and confirm that it is always running, please refer to the Check connection continuously section of the common Autify Connect errors and tips document.

How users can disconnect an Autify Connect client session (tunnel connection)

You have two ways to disconnect a session from the Autify Connect server.

  1. Kill the process of your Autify Connect client. e.g. Input Ctrl+C in your terminal console.
  2. Revoke the access key from the Autify Web UI. If this step is done, the Autify Connect client that uses that access key will shut down automatically. Revoking the access key can be done by deleting the key in the appropriate workspace.

Does Autify Connect make tests slower?

Test execution speed mainly depends on the customer’s network condition and device performance.

Technically, using Autify Connect will be slower because it adds a new network route compared to the normal test executions. However as far as we tested there is no significant time lag compared to test executions done without Autify Connect.

Are there any potential errors that may occur due to slower test execution?

There are two main patterns of test failures that may occur due to longer execution times:

  1. Slow page transition causes the next test step fail (e.g. Clicking A page element)
  2. Test results page shows a ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED error (on Chrome/Linux)

Can I run tests with Autify Connect using a proxy server that exists between the Autify Connect Client and the Autify Connect Server?

Yes. If the server running the Autify Connect Client needs to go through a proxy server to access the Autify Connect Server, please use the following option:

--tunnel-proxy [Proxy server address[http://host:port])

Can I run tests with Autify Connect using a proxy server that exists between the Autify Connect Client and the application under test?

Yes. If the server running the Autify Connect Client needs to go through a proxy server to access the application under test, please use the following option:

--sut-proxy [Proxy server address[http://host:port]
Using both proxy server options together

Note that both of the proxy server options above can be used together if needed.

The diagram below shows both scenarios


Can I use Autify Connect to test localhost websites?

Yes. Instructions on how to set up localhost tests can be found at Autify Connect integration.

If your localhost test does not work, please refer to the I am not able to use Autify Connect to test websites running on localhost section of the Autify Connect troubleshooting guide.

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