Unintended elements are selected
  • 31 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Unintended elements are selected

  • Dark

Article summary

If Autify selects an unintended element, it may fail in subsequent steps (e.g., clicking on a different element takes you to an unintended page, which fails in subsequent click and assertion steps). Autify may target unintended elements in the following cases

Autify selects the wrong element because of page changes

Even if the characteristics of an element change due to page revisions and it is no longer an exact match, Autify will track the best matching element.
However, depending on the nature of the change, the wrong element may be selected.
Please check the Difference in Test Results. If there is a difference, this may be the cause of the issue.
In this case, please try one of the following methods to update the element's information:

Similar elements existed on the page

Autify searches for elements based on the information obtained during recording and successful test runs. However, if there are elements with similar information, it may recognize the wrong element as the target element.
In this case, please use a locator.

Unintended element selected in a table or list.

If you want to select elements as intended in a table or list, such as always selecting the element in the first row, you need to use a locator. For more information, see How do I interact with the elements in a table or list the way I intended?.

If none of the above solutions work, please contact support.

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