Best practices in designing test plans
  • 29 Oct 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Best practices in designing test plans

  • Dark

Article summary

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Points to keep in mind when designing a test plan

The following are the guidelines recommended by Autify for creating a "test plan," as well as points to keep in mind.

For an overview of test plans and basic usage, please refer to this help page.

For the execution environment, tests that need to be executed frequently should be executed frequently on an emulator, and tests that need to be checked on an actual device should be executed only at the right time.

Running tests on the actual device does not require a mobile device and allows you to check behaviors unique to the actual device that cannot be seen on an emulator, but it is generally slower. Compared to running a mobile emulator (Chrome in device mode) on the fast Autify cloud, it can take dozens of times longer. Therefore, use the emulator at times when many modifications are made in the early stages of development, and use the actual device environment at critical times, such as testing just before release and regular weekly runs. We also recommend using the actual device environment at times when you have more time, such as during the night or on weekends.

Reference:Testing on Real Mobile Devices
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Do not allow applications that do not allow the same account to log in to multiple browsers at the same time to run login scenarios in parallel.

For example, if you are testing an application where logging into multiple browsers with the same account automatically logs out all but the last browser logged in, if you run multiple scenarios in parallel, each logged in with the same account, in one test plan, the scenario with the last login If multiple scenarios are run in parallel, each logged in with the same account, all but the last logged in scenario will fail, so either run them in series or separate test plans.
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When receiving error support for a test plan that runs multiple scenarios in series with dependencies, be sure to provide the name of the test plan as well.

For example, if you have a test plan that runs scenarios with dependencies in series, such as scenario A to record the purchase of an item and scenario B to verify that the item has been added to the purchase history, and you contact support for an error in scenario B, the Autify support team will only see the error in scenario B, the Autify support team will only receive the details of the error in Scenario B. This means that the dependency between Scenario B and Scenario A will not be understood, and it may take time to identify the cause of the error. Therefore, it is recommended that you contact support with the name of the failed test plan to expedite the resolution of the issue.
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