Can I allow location, microphone, and camera alert dialogs when recording?
  • 09 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Can I allow location, microphone, and camera alert dialogs when recording?

  • Dark

Article summary

Record alert dialogs

On Autify, actions against dialogs that set browser permissions are not recorded (for example, clicking the Allow or Block buttons like in the image below).

During test execution, permissions are automatically set or not selected for each execution environment. For detailed permission settings, please refer to the table below. These settings cannot be changed at this time.

Please note that even if location information, microphone, and camera are allowed, Autify currently does not support voice input and testing that uses location information (for example, showing a different list based on location information).

Why the notification alert dialog is not shown during recording

During recording, the browser will start in incognito mode. It is a specification that the notification alert dialog does not appear in incognito mode and guest mode. For more information, please see here.

During test execution, the browser is launched in normal mode, allowing the dialog to be displayed.

Permission settings for each execution environment

Linux / ChromeLinuxChromeUnhandledAllowAllowAllow
iPhone X (Emulator)LinuxChrome Device modeUnhandledAllowAllowAllow
Pixel 2 (Emulator)LinuxChrome Device modeUnhandledAllowAllowAllow
Windows / ChromeWindowsChromeUnhandledUnhandledAllowAllow
Windows / EdgeWindowsEdgeUnhandledUnhandledAllowAllow
Windows / FirefoxWindowsFirefoxUnhandledUnhandledDenyUnhandled
Windows Server / EdgeWindows ServerEdgeUnhandledAllowAllowAllow
macOS / ChromemacOSChromeUnhandledUnhandledAllowAllow
macOS / EdgemacOSEdgeUnhandledUnhandledAllowAllow
macOS / FirefoxmacOSFirefoxUnhandledUnhandledDenyUnhandled
macOS / SafarimacOSSafariUnhandledDenyAllowAllow
iPhone XSiOSSafariUnhandledAllowAllowAllow
iPhone 12iOSSafariUnhandledAllowAllowAllow
Google Pixel 5AndroidChromeUnhandledUnhandledUnhandledUnhandled
Samsung Galaxy S20AndroidChromeUnhandledUnhandledUnhandledUnhandled

Allow means the permission is force allowed.
Deny means the permission is force blocked.
Unhandled means that the permission is not selected and the test proceeds with the dialog displayed.
※ Information as of February 7, 2024. Actual permissions may differ depending on circumstances.

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