Can I branch [Scenarios] with if statements and for / while statements?
  • 22 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Can I branch [Scenarios] with if statements and for / while statements?

  • Dark

Article summary

At this time, we do not support branching or looping when testing.

However, there are ways to create a single [Scenario] without a need for branching:

  • If you want to check if one of the branches fails:
    In the Scenario Edit Page, click on the step that you want to check for failures. Click on the When this step fails dropdown, select Ignore and continue.

  • If there is a large number of steps in the branching Scenario:
    Create a [Step Group] for the test content up to the point of branching. Then, select [Step Group] from the New Scenario Page and create a scenario for each branch.

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