Editing Step Groups
  • 16 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Editing Step Groups

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Article summary

From the Step Group Page, you can go to the Step Group Details Page to edit existing Step Groups.

Editing a Step Group for the beginning of a Scenario

If a Step Group starts with the Initial Step with Visit action, it can be edited in the same way as editing Scenarios. Just click on + between the steps to add more steps.

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Editing a Step Group for the middle/end of a Scenario

Then one question comes to mind - how do we edit a Step Group when it doesn't have a visit step? To answer this question, we have Start recording with text field in the Step Group. Your additional recording will start from this URL!

Start recording with is the URL that will be displayed when additional recording. Unlike the Starting URL at the beginning of the scenario, this is not a visit action.

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