Email not found
  • 03 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Email not found

  • Dark

Article summary

The 'Open Email With Title Like' step waits for a maximum of two minutes for the email to be received. If Autify cannot find the target email after waiting for two minutes, an 'Email not found' error occurs.


This error typically occurs for two main reasons: the email was not received, or Autify could not find the email even though it was received.

On this page, you will learn about the causes and how to solve the error.

To learn how to check whether the email was received or not, see Checking the contents of emails received using Email Testing.

The email was not received

Here are some possible causes and solutions to try if the email was not received.

The Application Under Test did not send the email

It's possible that the action that triggers the email to be sent was not completed, or that the application could not send the email for some reason. Please review test screenshots, video logs, browser logs, and application logs to determine why the email was not sent.

The wrong email address is specified

Autify will not be able to open the email if it was sent to a different email address than the one that's specified. Please confirm that the inbox displayed in the test result is of the correct email address.

Sent an email with the same Message-ID to the same email address

If an email with the same Message-ID is sent to the same email address, the second and subsequent emails cannot be received.

The email is not supported by Autify

Autify cannot receive the following emails:

  • Emails sent via a mailing list
  • Emails sent to an email address in the BCC field
  • Forwarded emails
  • Emails without a date in the email header

The email was received but Autify couldn't open it

Here are some possible causes and solutions for when an email is received but Autify is unable to open it.

The email was received after the two-minute wait time

If the email was received after Autify waited for two minutes, please rerun the test. If the delay is a temporary issue, rerunning the test should resolve the problem.
If the test continues to fail, consider adding a sleep step to increase the wait time, and see if the test becomes stable.

The target email had already been opened

Once an email has been opened, it is excluded from the emails that can be opened in the 'Open Email With Title Like' step. Please check if the target email has already been opened by a previous step or a different scenario.

More than 30 minutes have passed since the email was received

Emails that were received more than 30 minutes ago are excluded from the emails that can be opened in the 'Open Email With Title Like' step. Please modify your scenario so that the email is opened within 30 minutes of receipt.

The subject line of the email is significantly different from the one specified in the scenario

The 'Open Email With Title Like' step will open the email with the subject line that is most similar to the subject line of the email that was opened at the time of recording. If the subject line of the email has changed since the scenario was recorded, please update the email subject from the Scenario Details screen.

If you are still having trouble...

Please contact us. We will work with you to resolve the issue.

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