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1. Assertions on page titles
A page title is a string of characters set in the title tag.
It is displayed in tabs and window sections and is used as a name when bookmarking.
Keyword | Description |
Title Should Be | Verify that the page title exactly matches the specified string |
If you need a partial match command for a title, please contact our support team.
2. Assertions on page URLs
Keyword | Description |
Location Should Be | Verify that the current URL exactly matches the specified string |
Location Should Contain | Verify that the current URL contains the specified string |
If you want to validate the URL of a page where the URL changes dynamically, we recommend using Location Should Contain.
3. Assertions on all text contained in the page
Keyword | Description |
Page Should Not Contain | Verify that the specified string does not exist in the page |
If any of display: none;
, visibility: hidden;
or opacity: 0;
properties are set to elements, those elements are treated as if they are not on the page and are not subject to this assertion.
4. Assertions on all HTML elements on the page
Currently, Page Should Contain Element is shown as a command for assertions on the page (click the "Assert against page" button), but in the future, it will be a command for assertions on elements within the page.
Keyword | Description |
Page Should Contain Element | Verify that certain elements are present on the page |
Even if the element is not visible to the general public, it will be considered successful if it exists as an HTML element. For more information, please refer to "Frequently Asked Questions about Assertions".