Release Notes - February 22nd, 2022
  • 31 Mar 2022
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  • Dark

Release Notes - February 22nd, 2022

  • Dark

Article summary

New Releases 🚀

Summary of Execution Counts Can be Viewed on the Organization Settings Page

You can now view the monthly execution count (for the past 12 months) on the Organization Settings page.

Seeing the trends in your execution count can be helpful when planning future test runs and sharing results within your company.

Are there any other pieces of data you'd want reports on? If so, please send any requests through the chat feature in your dashboard. We are all ears!

Slack Notifications on Each Test Plan

Previously, you could only set up one Slack notification for each Workspace. You can now set up multiple notifications for each Test Plan!

This allows your notifications to be more dynamic For example, you can:

  • Notify a specific channel for each Test Plan, which is relevant to a certain team
  • Notify multiple channels when a specific Test Plan is complete
  • Notify yourself via direct message if a Test Plan fails

You can add new notifications from the Slack Notifications section at the bottom of the Test Plan Edit Page. Give it a try!

Faster Page Load Times

Along with feature improvements, Autify’s engineering team is always working on performance improvements to make your experience even smoother.

You may have noticed that the Scenario Details Page loads significantly faster than before! For instance, what previously took 12 seconds to load, now populates in just 2.6 seconds, and would typically load in 4.2 seconds has been reduced to only 2.9 seconds 💨

Other Updates ✨

Feature Enhancements

  • When you duplicate a Test Scenario, labels added to the original Scenario are now inherited by the duplicated Scenario.
  • On the Test Results Page, we have expanded the click area of the button for moving to the previous/next step when checking screenshots.

Screen Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where users are prompted to enter credentials when signing in on, even if the user is already logged in.
  • Fixed an issue where the mobile window size of a Step Group could not be selected.
  • Fixed an issue where previous versions of a Test Scenario could not be viewed if comments in the Scenario included special characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the actions of copy/pasted steps could not be changed until the Test Scenario was saved.

Recorder Fixes and Improvements

The following applies to Autify Recorder version 0.17.33 onwards:

  • Fixed an issue where the recording panel does not appear if the screen size is too small, when the Test Scenario is being recorded has a mobile window size.
  • You can now specify elements in ShadowDOMs using the Locator feature! Please specify a CSS selector and then select an element within the ShadowDOM.

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