Release Notes - March 2nd, 2022
  • 31 Mar 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Release Notes - March 2nd, 2022

  • Dark

Article summary

1. Released Features 🚀

1.1. Check execution history from the Test Plan Details Page

We have added a new section, most recent tests, on the right side of the Test Plan Page. You can quickly check the status of recent test executions and test times without navigating to the Test Result List Page!

1.2. No longer redirected after clicking Run Now and links

Previously, if you ran a test from a List/Details Page of a Test Scenario or Test Plan, the Test Result List Page would automatically be displayed. We have made updates so that you are no longer redirected away from the current page. This makes it easier for you to continue your work, such as editing Test Scenarios or running multiple Test Plans back to back!

Please note that you can access test results by clicking Check in the flash message displayed at the top of the screen.

1.3. Modify existing URL replacement settings using an API

Do you run tests using APIs? If so, we have good news! You can now use a URL Replacement API to quickly update existing URL replacement settings of your Test Plan. Previously, if you wanted to change URL replacement settings, you had to send two requests; DELETE, to delete the old URL and POST, to add the new URL. Now, you only have to send one update request using PUT.

For more information, please see our API documentation.

1.4. An easy way to access Autify JavaScript Snippets

We have launched a website that displays various JavaScript code snippets, along with their practical applications when creating tests. Code snippets can be used in JS Steps. We hope you find it helpful!

👉 Autify JavaScript Snippets

1.5. Easily insert a [Handle Alert] step

You can now insert a [Handle Alert] step from the menu on the Scenario Details Page without recording by clicking the "+" button in between steps.

This is useful when…

  • You unable to record the [Handle Alert] step, because the alert doesn’t always appear.
  • You want to exit out of the “Are you sure you want to leave this page?” dialog, which currently cannot be recorded with the Autify Recorder.

2. Other Updates ✨

  • Fixed an issue where test results would not be display correctly when the test failed due to timeout.
  • Fixed an issue where Local Replay would fail when a JS Step argument includes a newline character.
  • Fixed an issue where the expected value would change if an action of an assertion is changed in a step that uses data.
  • Fixed an issue where the [Open Window] step would sometimes open a smaller window than the window size specified in the Scenario settings.
  • Reviewed how pages that relate to scenario lists are processed. This has improved the rendering speed of the Scenario List Page, Step Group List Page, and Scenario Edit Page of Test Plans.

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