Release notes - November 1st, 2023
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Release notes - November 1st, 2023

  • Dark

Article summary

Slack notification improvement 📬

Now you can specify which Slack notifications you want to receive: Test passed, Test passed with but need review, Test failed, the same as Email notifications!

Slack notification dialog

This can be configured either on the Test Plan level

Test Plan Slack Notification

or Workspace level:

Workspace Slack notification

so it will be useful when you want to receive only failure notices for a specific Test Plan, for example.

2. Other Updates ✨


  • Slack notifications for failures of test plan are now sent after all tests are finished
  • UI improvements to Run now and Save buttons on Scenario editor page to show scenario saving in progress.

Environment updates

  • On November 9th, the following mobile devices will be deprecated

    • These devices will be removed from test plans

      Device nameOS version
      Samsung Galaxy S65.0
      Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus 7.07.0
      Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus8.0
      iPad 5th11
      iPad Pro 12.9 201711
      iPad Pro 12.9 201813
      iPhone 611
      iPhone 6S11
      iPhone 6S12
      iPhone 6S Plus11
      Google Pixel 29.0
  • The following mobile devices will become unsupported. Tests can be still run on these devices, but the test results will be marked as unsupported

    Device nameOS version
    Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime8.1
    Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus10
    Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra10
    Samsung Galaxy S76.0
    Samsung Galaxy Tab S48.1
    Samsung Galaxy Tab S69.0
    Google Pixel 310.0
    Google Pixel 410.0
    Google Pixel7.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where 100 test plans could not be displayed on test plans page
  • Fixed an issue where the clean-up icon would not be displayed after navigating the pages in scenario list
  • Fixed an issue where the Visual Regression Testing reference image could be erroneously updated when the test execution is not successful
  • Fixed an issue where a mobile emulator test execution would open a new window as desktop
  • Fixed an issue where Quick Element Update would not circle the updated element in blue
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to navigate back to a window opened in a Step Group outside of the Step Group

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