Release of Aug 26th, 2021
  • 30 Mar 2022
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Release of Aug 26th, 2021

  • Dark

Article summary

Hello! It feels like fall is just around the corner… Time to get the cozy sweaters out!

Recently, we have been working to increase the frequency of our releases to deliver more value to you. Release notes will be published more frequently, so stay tuned! 💪

Released features 🚀

Share steps in test results with a simple URL

Open a step on the Test Result page, share a URL, and voilà! The recipient will be able to directly go to that step.

This makes it easy to have your colleague check a specific step in a test result. 😊

Run test plans straight from the Test Plan List Page

Just like in the Test Scenario List Page, you can now run Test Plans by clicking the ellipsis on the Test Plan List Page! You will no longer need to go to the Test Plan Details Page.

Rename Test Plans inline

You can now rename your Test Plan inline from the Test Plan Details Page! This allows you to rename without having to go to a different page.

Other Updates ✨

  • Minor improvements and bug fixes.

  • You can now add a “Handle Alert” step on Edge.

  • Error messages are now displayed when a device of an external device farm is under maintenance.

  • You can now access global variables with a JS step.

  • Fixed a bug where an error was displayed if the JS step argument was not a character string in Local Replay. Now, it can handle numbers.

  • If your account is locked, you can now unlock it by yourself without having to contact us.

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