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Released features🚀
Specify the order of test execution
This is a long-awaited feature! You can now **run Test Scenarios sequentially in the order you specify within a Test Plan**🎉
Specifically, it is now possible to:
- You can now search for scenarios to add from the search bar when editing a test plan
- Switch between sequential and parallel execution for each test plan.
- Reorder the Test Scenario execution sequence by drag & drop in test plans where sequential execution is selected.
Receive Slack notifications on how many test results need to be reviewed
This is another much-requested feature: we have added the number of steps with Review Needed to our Slack notifications!
You can now see how many steps are in the Review Needed state without opening test results.
Soon to be released🎁
Easily record mobile-sized Test Scenarios
You will soon be able to record mobile-sized Test Scenarios by simply selecting the window size when you start recording. Once this feature is released, you will no longer have to use Chrome Developer Tools for recording in mobile size.📲
This feature will be available shortly, so stay tuned!
Other Updates ✨
Updated the following browsers:
- Chrome 93 -> 94
- Edge 93 -> 94
- Firefox 91 -> 92
Removed the breadcrumb list at the top of the screen.
Improved the display speed of Test Scenarios.
Resolved a rare issue where the status of the test results would not update and be displayed as pending.
Modified so that emails to be opened in the Open Email with Title like… step would be those received in the last 30 minutes.
We have also made several other improvements to ensure that your tests run reliably.