Reviewing and Editing your Scenario
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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  • Dark

Reviewing and Editing your Scenario

  • Dark

Article summary

Scenario Details Page

Once the scenario is saved, actions performed during recording appear in the Scenario Details Page as a series of steps. You can review and edit your scenario from this page.


The step number is displayed in the upper left corner of each step. Below the step, you can see a summary of the action. Steps usually have a corresponding screenshot so you can see what the step entails at a glance.

Next to the [Save] button in the upper right corner, you will see three vertical dots. Click this button, andthe following options appear:

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Show test history

Click this to see all the results of this scenario. It's useful when you want to compare test results and see differences.

Show version history

If you edit a scenario, a new version will be created. This is useful when you want to view changes or revert the scenario.

Show related test plans

Click this to see all test plans that include this scenario.


Click this to duplicate the scenario.

Duplicate as Step Group

This is similar to [Duplicate] but this button duplicates the scenario as a Step Group.


This option deletes the scenario.

⚠︎Once a scenario is deleted, it cannot be restored.

Step Details

To see the details of a step, click on the step or the pencil icon in the upper right corner. The image below shows the details of a Click step.


Step name and Memo

Each step has a step name and a memo field where you can enter a description of the step. Below is what a step would look like if you entered a step name and description in the memo field:

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In the Action section, you will see the type of action performed in that step.

If it's an assertion step, you can select an assertion command from the dropdown menu, so you can change what you're checking without having to re-record.

Action dropdown

When this step fails

Select what should happen with the test if the step fails. There are three options in the dropdown menu.

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If the step fails, Autify will abort the test and mark it as failed. This option is selected by default.

Mark this step as failed and continue

The test will continue even if the step fails. Once the run is over, Autify will mark the the entire test as failed. This option is useful when you want to carry on with all other actions, even if one step fails.


Ignore and continue

If you select this option, the step is treated as passed even if it failed.


Text to assign

Input Steps and Assertions that require an input value has a section where you can specify the value:

Providing a value

To change the input value, enter it in the "Given value" field. You can also select the following input values by clicking the Given value dropdown.

Given value

The text you enter in the field will be used during test runs.

Test email address

If you have already created a test email address, you can choose it from the dropdown.

Dummy email address

Just like test email addresses, you can assign a random email address as this step's input value. Note that the dummy email address doesn't actually work, and emails sent to it won't be received.


If you have imported data from a CSV in the Data tab at the top of the scenario page, you can assign data to the step by choosing this option.

Other Step's Result

If you have a JS Step that returns a value or a Dynamic Value step, you can use those values as the input value by selecting this option.


You can specify an imported variable.

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