Sequential Execution
  • 28 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Sequential Execution

  • Dark

Article summary

When you specify the [Scenario] you wish to run on the [Test Plan] page, you can specify the execution order by selecting [Sequential] as the execution method.

Select [Test Plan] in the side menu, choose the target [Test Plan] and click the [Edit] button of the appropriate [Scenario]. The following page will appear, where you can specify the execution method in the [Run in:] section and the execution order:

Changing the execution order is easy! On the right side of the [Test Plan Edit Page], simply drag the left edge of the [Scenario] name and drop it to where you want it to be.

Please take note of the following points:

  • Tests are executed in the order specified in the [Scenarios] in the [Test Plan] section.
    • Once Autify has completed executing a [Scenario], it will begin executing the next [Scenario].
    • If you have specified the execution order of a [Scenario] and execution fails halfway through, Autify will continue executing the test until the end.
  • If you specify [Sequential] as the execution method, the test will be executed sequentially, regardless of how you’ve set up parallel test execution in workspace settings.
    • If you execute a [Test Plan] while running the same [Test Plan] where [Sequential] is specified for the execution method, the second execution will begin without being affected by the first execution.
  • If you have specified multiple environments as the [Test Plan’s] [Execution Environment], tests will be executed in each environment one by one.

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