Sleep Step
  • 28 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Sleep Step

  • Dark

Article summary

It is possible to sleep for a certain period of time by adding a [Sleep Step].

Screen Shot 2022-12-26 at 14.15.39 copy.png

However, Autify automatically waits for a certain period of time until an element appears and the operation or verification set in that step becomes possible, so it is almost never necessary to set sleep with the intention of adjusting the display timing of the element.

There are two main cases where it is better to sleep using the [Sleep Step]:

  1. If page loading takes a long time
    • It takes a long time to load, and it times out while running tests
    • It does not time out, but the loading widget blocks the operation so it does not work properly
    • It is necessary to wait for backend processing that cannot be judged from the screen
  2. When an unexplained failure occurs immediately after page transition
    • It fails at the [JS Step] immediately after the page transition
    • It fails in the verification of URL and title immediately after page transition

Up to 600 seconds (10 minutes) can be set per step.

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