Unintended elements are clicked when I run the test in a mobile emulator environment
  • 18 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Unintended elements are clicked when I run the test in a mobile emulator environment

  • Dark

Article summary

※This issue has been resolved after updating to Chrome 122.

We are aware that a bug in Chromium sometimes causes an issue where Autify cannot click the correct element when tests run in a Mobile emulator environment.

Your test may have failed due to this issue if any of the following apply:

  • The target element is retrieved (the green frame indicates that the intended element is selected), but a different element is clicked.
  • The element that was clicked is near the target element (next to, above, or below).

If all of the above apply, please create a JS Step to click the target element as a workaround.

If this issue persists after adding a JS Step, please get in touch with us via Autify chat.

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