What is the maximum number of steps per [Scenario]?
  • 25 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

What is the maximum number of steps per [Scenario]?

  • Dark

Article summary

Currently, there is no functional limit. We provide support up to the 200th step of a [Scenario]. If an issue occurs past the 200th step, we may refuse to investigate.

In general, we recommend creating short test scenarios to avoid the following problems:

  • Increased test complexity such that the contents of the [Scenario]  becomes difficult to understand and maintainability is reduced.
  • A greater risk that not all required tests will be performed because a failure occurred early in the test scenario

For more details about the benefits of shorter test scenarios and tips on how to create them, refer to the Why should I keep the number of steps in a test scenario small? article.

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