It's hard to find the desired scenario. Do you have any advice for naming scenarios?
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

It's hard to find the desired scenario. Do you have any advice for naming scenarios?

  • Dark

Article summary

As the number of [scenarios] increase as you continue to use Autify, finding the desired [scenario] becomes difficult. Since the scenario list screen supports searching for multiple words by scenario name, it will be easier to find the desired [scenario] by including the information you want to use for narrowing down scenarios.

Useful information to include

  • An outline for understanding the contents of the [scenario]
  • Person responsible for the [scenario]
  • PC/Mobile
  • Normal/abnormal
  • Test item number

And so on.

If you have any unique tips for naming, please share them with us!

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