No scroll is recorded. Is it possible to scroll to a specific position?
  • 30 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

No scroll is recorded. Is it possible to scroll to a specific position?

  • Dark

Article summary

In Autify, scrolling operations are not recorded as steps, but generally it automatically scrolls to the operation target element/detection target element without any special settings or operations, you can verify and operate on elements that do not appear above the fold. Therefore, you generally don't have to worry about scrolling when creating a scenario.

If you want to explicitly scroll for any reason, such as infinite scrolling, you can do so with JavaScript.


Open the [Scenario Details Page], insert a JS step where you want to make the assertion, and write the code for scrolling. Please refer to this snippet.

Screen Shot 2022-12-26 at 13.32.14.png

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