Rerun a test plan
  • 13 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Rerun a test plan

  • Dark

Article summary


When using a test plan, you may often want to rerun only the tests that failed. You can rerun individual tests using the Rerun button on each test result page, but if there are many scenarios in a test plan, rerunning them one by one would be time-consuming, and you may even have to create a new test plan to rerun them.

To address these needs, we have introduced a new feature that allows you to rerun only the failed tests directly from the test plan results page.

How to use

  1. Open the failed test plan result page.

  2. Click [Rerun failed tests].

  3. Only the failed tests will be rerun.

Points to note

Test Execution Count and Credits

Tests executed using this functionality do not count towards the test execution count or credits.

Rerunning a Previously Rerun Test Plan

If there are failed tests in a test plan that has already been rerun, you can rerun them again.

Multiple test execution environments

If multiple environments are set and the test failed in only some environments, it will be rerun in all environments.

For example, if a test plan has both Chrome and Edge as its execution environments, and Scenario A failed only in Chrome, it will be rerun in both Chrome and Edge.

If a scenario has been deleted

If a failed scenario was deleted from the test plan when it is rerun, that scenario will be excluded from the rerun.

If a scenario has been updated

If a scenario to be rerun has been updated, an alert will notify you of the change. You can proceed with the rerun by selecting 'OK'.


The rerun uses the variables used in the failed test.


You cannot rerun the test if the data used in the failed test has been updated.

Deprecated test environments

You cannot rerun the test if the environment used in the failed test has been deprecated.

URL Replacement

The current URL replacement settings are used during the rerun.

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