Setup Autify Connect
  • 29 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Setup Autify Connect

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Article summary

To use Autify Connect to run tests on your private environment, you will need to do the following:

  1. Create a Scenario against your private application
  2. Configure Autify Connect from the Workspace Settings page
  3. Install Autify Connect Client to your system
  4. Configure your Test Plan
  5. Run the Test Plan

Let's look at each step in detail.

1. Create a Scenario against your private application

Create a scenario for the private application you wish to test. This can be done using Autify Recorder, just as you would to create a scenario for a public application.

2. Configure Autify Connect from the Workspace Settings page

Create an Access Point

  1. Navigate to your Workspace Settings page and find the Autify Connect section
    Untitled 2.png

  2. Click the "Add" button and input a name for the Access Point. An Access Point is an identifier that is associated with a unique key that will be used by your Autify Connect Client.
    Untitled 3.png

  3. Click the "Create" button. An Access Point Key will be displayed. Please keep it in a secure place, as this will be required when you set up Autify Connect Client in a later step.

3. Install Autify Connect Client on your system

Download Autify Connect Client

Stand-alone binaries

Download Autify Connect Client for the platform you’ll be using, and follow the instruction provided for each OS.

OSArchictecturePackage typeDownload Link
Linuxi386 32 bittar.gzstable
Linuxx86-64 64 bittar.gzstable
LinuxArm 32 bittar.gzstable
LinuxArm 64 bittar.gzstable
macOSx86-64 64 bittar.gzstable
macOSArm 64 bittar.gzstable
Windowsi386 32 bitzipstable
Windowsx86-64 64 bitzipstable
WindowsArm 32 bitzipstable
WindowsArm 64 bitzipstable

Docker Image

We also have Docker image in the ECR Public Gallery on AWS. If using Docker images is more suitable for your operation, please give it a try:

How to use Docker Image

  1. Use "--key" option
docker run --platform=linux/amd64 --key=[Access Point Key ]
  1. Set environment variable(AUTIFY_CONNECT_KEY)
docker run --platform=linux/amd64 --env AUTIFY_CONNECT_KEY
Windows container mode is not supported.

The provided Docker images do not support Windows container mode. Switch to Linux container mode before launching.

Install Autify Connect Client

Linux / macOS

  1. Unzip the file you downloaded.

  2. Run the following command to see if it shows the help dialog. If it didn’t work you may have downloaded the app for a different environment.

    ./autifyconnect -h
  3. Replace xxxxxx with the key of an access point and run the command. Your Autify Connect Client will establish a connection to Autify Connect Server so that it's ready to run tests.

    ./autifyconnect --key xxxxxx

Keys can be also stored in an environment variable: AUTIFY_CONNECT_KEY


  1. Unzip the file you downloaded.If you see warning message during the download please ignore it and continue to download.For Chrome, click the allow icon right side of Discard button, then you will see the “Keep” option.
    Untitled 6.png

  2. Launch cmd, powershell or windows terminal(store app) and execute the following command to see the option commands. Before executing, it is necessary to move to the location of the executable file (autifyconnect) or set the path to the executable file, as appropriate.

    autifyconnect -h

    Untitled 7.png

    Note: when executing the client app, Windows Defender may show a protection notification or block the execution.

    Untitled 8.png

    In that case, you need to add the Connect Client to the exclusion list

    Untitled 9.png

  3. Replace xxxxxx with the key of an access point and run the command. Your Autify Connect Client will establish a connection to Autify Connect Server so that it's ready to run tests.

    autifyconnect --key xxxxxx

4. Configure your Test Plan

  1. Go to the test plan details page and click the ”Edit” button next to “Test scenarios”

    Untitled 10.png

  2. You can find a field to configure an access point on the right side of the page. Select the access point you created.

    Untitled 11.png

  3. Add the scenarios you created for private applications to the test plan.

5. Run the Test Plan

  1. Launch Autify Connect Client on your system. Make sure that the connection with Autify Connect Server is successfully established.

    Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 18.04.22.png

  2. Run the test plan from Test Plan page.

    Untitled 12.png

  3. When a request is made from Autify Connect Server to the application through Autify Connect Client, details are output to the log if the client has been launched with -V option.

    Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 18.04.34.png

  4. Once the test is complete, review the result. Note that your Access Point used for the test is displayed under "Autify Connect".

    Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 1.08.16.png

Test execution with API

Tests using Autify Connect can be performed in the following ways by API:

  • Execute a Test Plan with a specified Access Point from /schedule endpoint
  • Execute Scenarios from /execute_scenarios endpoint with the name of your Access Point

In addition, Autify CLI also supports Autify Connect.

See the following documents for details:

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