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What is a Test Plan?
You might be wondering why I'm skipping over the [Test Results] tab and going straight to the [Test Plans] tab. Test plans are an integral part of viewing and running your scenarios to get results, so it is important that we know what they are before viewing our results.
Test plans are a group of scenarios that you want to run together with certain rules attached to them. Generally speaking, a test plan is how most companies run their scenarios in order to test their website. A website has too many things to test for one scenario to be sufficient.
Creating a Test Plan
Clicking on the [Test Plans] tab on the right will bring up the test plans page. This will list out every test plan that you have created in your workspace. You can search by name up in the top search bar. You can also create a new test plan by clicking the "New" button.
You will need to name your test plan. Click "Create" once you have named your test plan.
From here you will be brought into your individual Test Plan that you created. There are six sections that make up an individual test plan: Execution Environment, Triggers, Scenarios, URL Replacements, Email notification and Slack notifications. The next sections will go over what each of these do.