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Usage report for your Workspace
Our Report feature provides easy-to-understand graphs that show how Autify is being used in your workspace. This is useful for your team to review usage and communicate to management your achievements in using Autify.
We will continue to expand this Report feature to make it more useful for everyone. If you have any requests, please let us know via chat!
The information in the report is not updated in real time. Please note that there may be delay of a few hours.
The following sections are available:
Test execution overview
In this section, you can see the following information, which is of primary interest to Autify users:
- How many tests have been run per month, and what is the success/failure ratio
- Who is creating the tests
- Who is running the tests
Number of resources
In this part you can see the number of resources created for the tests, including: Scenarios, Step Groups, Test Plans, and Steps in Scenarios.
Scenario stats
In this part you can see the date and status of the last run for each scenario, as well as the total number of runs and failure rates, labels of scenarios.
Scenario analysis
This part contains some in-depth information about your Scenarios and Steps, such as:
- What kind of Steps are used in your Scenarios
- When your Scenarios and Steps have been created
- How long your Scenarios are
As your use of Autify progresses, you will begin to see trends in your Scenarios. You can use these data to help you review what Steps you tend to use more, whether your scenarios are getting too long to maintain, etc.
Report Filters
Filter by date
You can filter the following information by date. The date will reference the time zone set in the Autify environment.
- Test execution overview
- Scenario stats
Filter by Label
You can filter all items in the report by scenario labels. It is also possible to combine both date and label filters.
Download Report
Do you want to have this report as a file so you can share it across the organization? No problem! You can download the report from the button "Export" at the top right of the screen. By selecting "PDF Download" or "PNG Download", you can download the file in the specified format.