Why can't I select "Using step group" when creating a scenario?
  • 30 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Why can't I select "Using step group" when creating a scenario?

  • Dark

Article summary

If you want to select [Using step group] when creating a scenario, you need to have a Step Group for the beginning of a Scenario (a Step Group that starts with a Visit Step).

Therefore, if you have not yet created a Step Group for the beginning of a Scenario, or if the only Step Group you have created is a Step Group for the middle/end of a Scenario, you will not be able to select [Using step group].

スクリーンショット 2023-07-18 14.12.31.png

Similarly, you cannot change the Step 1 of an existing scenario to a Step Group if you haven't created a Step Group for the beginning of a Scenario.
スクリーンショット 2023-08-22 19.38.04.png

If a Step Group for the beginning of a Scenario has been created, you can change Step 1 to a Step Group.
スクリーンショット 2023-08-22 19.39.10.png

For more information and instructions on creating Step Groups, please see the following documents:

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