Data Feature
  • 22 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Data Feature

  • Dark

Article summary

What is the data feature?

The data feature enables Data Driven Testing, in which you can load external data to a single test scenario and test multiple input patterns.
The main advantages of using this feature are:

  • Reusability
    • Data is uploaded separate from the scenario, so you can test many data patterns without creating new scenarios.
  • Improved test coverage
    • By using external data, you can quickly test multiple data patterns and cover many test cases.

How to use the data feature

  1. Prepare a CSV file that describes the data patterns you want to test
    Note: The character encoding of the CSV file must be UTF-8.

One row is treated as one data pattern. In the above sample, three data patterns are given (the first row is treated as a column name). You cannot combine data in one row with another.

  1. Upload the CSV file to the scenario
    On the Test Scenario Details Page, select the "Data" tab and click "Upload CSV (UTF-8)".


  1. Refer to the CSV in the step where you want to use the data
    Locate the step where you want to use the data. Click on the screenshot, open step details, and change Given Value to Data. Values (column names) described in the first line of the CSV will appear in a dropdown menu. Select the column name you wish to use. You can now use the CSV data in your test.

How the data feature affects the execution count

For example, using a CSV file containing three rows of data will execute three tests per scenario. The Test Result Page will look like the one below. Each test result will be named as follows:
scenario name + (n/number of rows in CSV)


Limitations of the Data Feature

You can only use uploaded data in the following step:

  • Text input step of a scenario

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