Generate a build file
  • 16 Oct 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Generate a build file

  • Dark

Article summary

This document explains how to generate the build files used by Autify NoCode Mobile and how to check the deliverables. By following this document, you will be able to use the service smoothly. The confirmation method varies depending on the application, so please refer to the appropriate section for each.


Objective-C or Swift applications

You can use the following file types when uploading your applications to Autify NoCode Mobile:

  • .app (Unsigned application that can be run on simulators)
  • .ipa (Signed application meant for real devices)

Generating a build (.app) file

Build architecture

Although Autify NoCode Mobile supports both ARM and Rosetta (x86_64) architectures, it is recommended to build for ARM as it has better performance.

  1. Open your application's project or workspace in Xcode

  2. Select the appropriate schema and choose a Simulator (any Simulator can be selected)


  3. Select Product > Build from the Xcode menu bar to build the application

  4. Make sure you have built the product under the Product folder in the Xcode navigator area

  5. Right-click on your build and select "Show in Finder"
    The .app file in the finder is what you will upload.


Check the generated build file

Verify that the build file can be launched in the local iOS Simulator by dragging and dropping the build file into the iOS Simulator and seeing if it starts up.

Generating an app bundle (.ipa file)

Creating .ipa files requires an active Apple Developer account.

  1. Click on your .xcodeproj file in the Project navigator
  2. Click on your project's name under Targets
  3. Click on the Signing & Capabilities tab
  4. Check Automatically manage signing
  5. Choose a team account that is a part of the Apple Developer Program
  6. Add a bundle identifier
  7. Clean your build folder by navigating to Product > Clean Build Folder...
  8. Select a generic device (not a simulator) as your build device
  9. Archive the project by navigating to Product > Archive
  10. Click Distribute App
  11. Select the Debugging profile and click Distribute
  12. Click Export and choose a destination

When it's finished exporting, you can find your .ipa file at the destination you input above.

Reference Information

Flutter apps

Generating a build file (.app file)

Create build files for iOS Simulator with the following command:

$ flutter build ios --simulator

Check the generated build file

  1. Verify that the build file has been generated by using the following command:
$ ls /path/to/project/build/ios/Debug-iphonesimulator/
  1. Verify that the build file can be launched in the local iOS Simulator by dragging and dropping the build file into the iOS Simulator and seeing if it starts up.

Creating an app bundle (.ipa file)

Please reference Flutter's documentation for creating .ipa files.

Zip your build (.app) file

Please be sure to zip your build file (.app) before uploading. After zipping, make sure that the file extension is and the file size is less than 500 MB.

You do not need to zip .ipa files to upload them to Autify NoCode Mobile.



For Android, the following conditions must be met:

  • File extension must be .apk.
  • File size must be less than 500 MB.

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