User Registration / Log in
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User Registration / Log in

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Article summary

※ Please note that parts of this page are machine translated.

## Steps to use Autify NoCode Web

To start using Autify NoCode Web, you will need to create a user account.
During the free trial period (14 days) after account creation, you can try out the basic features of Autify NoCode Web (with some exceptions).
This page explains the steps from account creation to login.

Create an account and start your free trial

There are two ways to start your free trial.

1. if you have already consulted with our sales representative

If you have consulted with our sales representative in advance, he/she will guide you to the “Free Trial Application Form”.
After that, you will receive an e-mail from us, so please proceed with the registration according to the following 1-1 ~ 1-3.

1-1.Create an account

You will receive an email with the subject line “Welcome to Autify”. Click the “Create Your Account” button in the body of the email and follow the instructions to create an account.
Autify NoCode Web accepts an email address/password or Google Signup (continue with Google). Please create an account using whichever is easier for you.


Password Requirements

If you create an account with an e-mail address / password, your password must meet the following conditions.
Please use at least 3 of the following characters. It must be at least 8 characters long

  • uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • lowercase letters (a-z)
  • numbers (0-9)
  • symbols

You can also change your email address and password after logging in. (If you use Google Signup, you cannot change them).

Autify does not allow you to belong to more than one organization with the same email address.
If you want to share scenarios or test results within your organization, please ask them to invite users. Scenarios and test results cannot be transferred between workspaces, so if you already have users in the same organization, please ask them to invite them to the same workspace.

1-2. Register Account Information

Please register your account information on the following screen.

Username Requirements

Enter a username. The following conditions must be met:

  • Consists of lowercase letters/numbers/underscore/hyphen/period, but does not begin with a hyphen
  • The same username does not exist in the organization

In some rare cases, a username may be unavailable due to duplication of words and other system-related words. If the username you entered cannot be registered, please select another one.

You can also change your user name on the “User Settings” after logging in.

1-3. Account registration complete

When registration is complete, the message “Account registration completed. will appear at the top of the screen.
Please refer to the tutorial for a brief explanation of how to use the system to create your scenario.

2. If you start directly from the trial application page

You can also start a trial right away from Start your 14 day trial today page here.

2-1. Account and workspace creation

Follow the instructions to create an account.
Autify NoCode Web accepts an email address/password or Google Signup. Please create an account using whichever is easier for you.

Please refer to [here](/v1/docs/en/registration#11Create an account) for password requirements.
Please refer to [here](/v1/docs/en/registration#12-Registration of account information) for the conditions of setting up a user name.


2-2. Account Registration Completed

When registration is complete, the message Account registration completed. is displayed at the top of the screen.
Once account registration is complete, a workspace will be automatically created.
Please refer to the tutorial for a brief explanation of how to use the workspace to create your scenario.

Log in

Please login with your registered email address and password, or click “Continue with Google” if you have signed up for Google Signup.

*# If you get your password wrong more than 10 times, your account will be locked. If your account is locked, you will receive an email containing "Account unlock link ”.
To change your password, please click on “Forgot password?

When you need to login again
  • After 3 days of inactivity on Autify, you will be prompted to login again.
  • You will be asked to login every 7 days, regardless of activity.

If you are having trouble signing up and logging in, please also see the Troubleshooting Guide below.

You must be invited to register
I tried to reset my password from the Forgot password, but did not receive an email.
Can I change my login from email address/password to "Sign In with Google"?

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.