Step Groups and their types
  • 28 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Step Groups and their types

  • Dark

Article summary

Steps Groups are a series of recorded steps that can be reused in multiple scenarios. With Step Groups, you can efficiently create your Scenarios without repeatedly recordings the same steps.

There are two kinds of Step Groups:

  1. Step Group for the beginning of a Scenario
    • This always starts with Initial Step with Visit action
    • Can be used only once in a Scenario
  2. Step Group for the middle or the end of a Scenario
    • This includes any step groups that don't have Initial Step with Visit action
    • Can be used multiple times in a Scenario

These two kinds of Step Groups share the same purpose of making steps reusable, but they are created and handled differently. Let’s take a close look at how to create and use each kind of Step Group!

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