  • 17 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Creating Assertion Steps

Autify allows you to validate certain elements and information on a given page.

There are two types of assertions in Autify:

  1. Assertions on elements within a page
  2. Assertions against a page

To add an assertion step, click the checkbox button on the Autify Recorder while recording.

Assertions on elements within a page

To add an assertion step to validate an element in a page, click the checkbox icon in Autify Recorder and mouse over the element you want to validate. The target element will be highlighted with a dark grey rectangle. Click on it, and a list of commands will appear. Select the appropriate command and click the [Save Assertion] button.

Available commands depends on the target element. For more information, please see this article.

Assertions against a page

To add an assertion step against the page, click the checkbox icon on the Autify Recorder, and click [Assert against page].

A list of commands will appear. Select the appropriate command and click the [Save Assertion] button.

For more information on the available commands, see this article.

Validating pages that uses asynchronous communication, such as SPA

If the element that you're asserting against doesn't exist on the page, Autify will keep searching for a set amount of time. Therefore, even if a page involves asynchronous communication, as long as the target element appears within that time, you can validate it without a Sleep Step.

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