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An alert dialog is a type of dialog that notifies the user when an error has occurred or when an operation has been successfully completed. The dialog can be closed by clicking on the action button.
You can record actions taken on alert dialogs, but there are some limitations depending on the type of dialog. See the table below for details.
Dialog | Name of action in the step | Options | Item selected by Autify |
Alert | Handle Alert | OK | OK |
Confirm | Handle Alert |
| OK |
Prompt | Input Text Into Alert |
| OK |
Before a page is unloaded | Handle Alert |
| Leave Not supported for most browsers, see Notice below for details |
Currently, the selections for the "Handle Alert" and "Input Text Into Alert" steps are fixed.
For example, even if you click "Cancel" in a confirm dialog during recording, it will be recorded as "OK." The selection cannot be changed.
Desktop browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari) and some real mobile devices automatically accept alerts when the page is unloading in an automated session. Therefor these alerts cannot be tested on these browsers, and a Handle Alert step should not be used. If you are testing on real mobile devices, the behavior of automatically accepting the alert or not varies by device. In that case, you can add the "Handle Alert" step and under the "When this step fails" option choose "Ignore and continue."
For permission dialogs that request access to the camera, location, etc., please refer to this article.