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The Data Feature
The Data feature allows you to test multiple data patterns in one scenario.
At the top of your scenario you should see a place where it says [Data]. Clicking on that will bring up the data tab.
You will first need to prepare a CSV that has the pattern you want to execute.
John,Smith,test@autify.com,"Autify, Inc.",QA,1-15
Liam,Smith,test@test.com,"Test, Inc.",SET,"5,000+"
Olivia,Smith,test@burning.com,"Burning, Inc.",Engineer,201-500
The value in the first line will be available as the variable name at each step of the Scenario. The character code of the file must by UTF-8.
One line is treated as one data pattern, and in the case of the above sample, there are three data patterns.
It cannot be combined with the value set on another line. If you want to execute with this pattern, please add the pattern as a new line.
Uploading your Data
Once you have created your CSV, you can upload it by clicking the [Upload (UTF-8)] button.
Below is an example of some mock data and how it will show up:
If you need to update this CSV you can do so by changing the data in your CSV and then hitting the [Update] button. You can also delete the CSV by clicking the [Delete] button.
Using your Data in your Scenario
You can use your data anywhere in an input step. All you need to do is go to given value of that input step and select [Data] from the dropdown.
Then you will need to select which column of data you would like to use for this step.
- The number of test runs is determined by the number of registered data. In the above example, the CSV has three data patterns, so three tests will be executed.
- When you use data, whether the scenario is run in parallel or sequentially depends on how the test is executed. For more information, please see Scope of application of parallel or sequential execution.
- The data in the first row is used during Local Replay.