Does Autify keep a history?
  • 28 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Does Autify keep a history?

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Article summary

On Autify, you can check the following:

  • History of test results
  • Each scenario's execution history
  • Each scenario's version history

Test results keep track of which scenario you executed and its version. You can check the scenario at the point when it was executed, as long as the original scenario hasn't been deleted. You can also duplicate a scenario from a previous version.

You can view the history as follows.

How to view the history of test results

Click [Results] in the sidebar to see test results, from newest to oldest.

You can switch between a per-test-plan view and a per-scenario view by using the pull-down menu in the upper right corner.

How to view a scenario's execution history

In the Scenario List page or Scenario Details page, click [︙] and select [Show test history]. A list of previous executions for that scenario will appear.




You can see the execution environment, when the test was run, and whether it passed or failed. You can view the details of the test result by clicking each test history.

How to view a scenario's version history

In the Scenario List page or Scenario Details page, click [︙] and select [Show version history]. A list of version history for that scenario will appear.




In the details screen of past versions, the name shows when the scenario was created. Click [Duplicate] to create a new scenario with the same content as the current one.

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