Release Notes - May 10th, 2023
  • 10 May 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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  • Dark

Release Notes - May 10th, 2023

  • Dark

Article summary

Visual Regression Testing for Elements

Visual regression testing is now available for elements! You can add the assertion command Element should look the same in a scenario, this will compare the current screenshot of the target element and the reference image created from the past successful test run.

Screen Shot 2023-04-22 at 6.47.31.png

It's also easy to change the expected appearance. When you click "Accept the changes" button, the reference image for this Element should look the same step will be updated.

Screen Shot 2023-04-22 at 6.49.37.png

The next time you run the test, the new reference image will be used for the comparison!

This feature is currently available on the Chrome/Linux environment. For more information, please see the following document:

2. Soon to be released 🎁

Listing only failed tests on Test Result List Page

Checking for failed tests is an essential part of automated test operations, but if you are running a large Test Plan, it may be difficult to find failed tests from the list. Therefore, we have prepared a tab that let you list only failed tests! We hope you will find it useful in your daily review of test results.

Screen Recording 2023-05-09 at 11.10.14.gif

Changing user email address / Resetting password by yourself

It will be possible to change your email address or reset your password from the User Settings page. These changes can be made for the email address of your own user account. Since this function is related to user account management, let us know if you have any feedback such as User Roles-related requests.

Screen Shot 2023-05-08 at 17.39.26.png

3. Other Updates ✨


  • Made access to the Troubleshooting Guide from the test result details page easier
    • Depending on the cause of the test failure, a link to Troubleshooting guide may appear. We hope the documentation will help you solve the problem!
      Screen Shot 2023-05-08 at 17.07.12.png

Environment updates

We have updated the following environments:

  • Chrome: 111.0 → 112.0
  • Firefox: 111.0 → 112.0

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where duplicating the same scenario from a different place simultaneously can fail with a 500 error
  • Fixed an issue where an error occurs when overriding values in a Step Group used in a scenario and step deletion for the Step Group happens at the same time
  • Fixed issues with Dynamic Values that expect Integer values as arguments
    • Fixed an issue where saving scenarios failed if an Integer argument was not a number
    • Floating point numbers could be used before but now they will be rounded to integers

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