Release of Jan 21st
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Release of Jan 21st

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Article summary

Hi everyone, we are excited to publish the first release notes of 2021!

From this year, the Release Notes have been moved to Autify Help Center, but you can still find the Release Notes before 2021 here. We hope you enjoy our new Release Notes ✨

Featured Updates 🚀

Optimized loading of screenshots

All screenshot images in Test Scenario Details Page and Test Result Details Page used to be loaded at once when a user opened the page, but now they are loaded when they entered the viewport.
This would improve the load speed, especially for huge test scenarios and test results.

This will greatly improve the loading speed of long test scenarios and test results, which used to take a long time!

Improved the flow between step groups and scenarios

From Test Scenario Details Page, you can now quickly jump to the step group you are using! If you want to edit a step group while editing a test scenario, you can move smoothly.

In addition, Step Group Details Page now shows how many test scenarios it is referenced by. This helps to prevent changes to the step group from unexpectedly affecting other test scenarios.

You can also click on the link to see the scenarios that use this step group! You can now see at a glance the test scenarios that are affected by editing the step group, which was previously difficult to find 👀

Improved Organization Settings Page

The contract renewal date and monthly test execution status information have been improved to be easier to read.

If you want to add the number of test runs, you can now apply for it by clicking the "Add Monthly Test Runs" button. If you want to run more tests than usual this month, feel free to try this out!

Other Updates

  • In the test results of email testing, the step to open a message is now shown as "Open email" instead of "Go to".
  • Browsers have been updated.
    • Chrome 87
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.

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