Show your test results by test plan
  • 09 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Show your test results by test plan

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Article summary


This article explains how to view test results in the context of a test plan. It covers three pages, which can be navigated to in the following order:

  1. Results page
  2. Individual test plan results page
  3. Capabilities page

Results page

On the Results page, which can be accessed from the left navigation bar, filtering by Test plan changes the view to display test execution results of your test plans.


At a glance, you can see the following information about each test plan's execution:

  • The number of passing and failing scenarios
  • The test plan's name
  • Whether it used Autify Connect
  • The environments used during execution
  • When the first scenario in the test plan was executed
  • When the last scenario in the test plan finished executing
  • Total execution time for all scenarios executed in the test plan
Duration is longer than total execution time

Because it includes post-processes that are not included in test execution time, the overall duration for a test plan’s execution is slightly longer than the total execution time for its scenarios.

Individual test plan results page

From the results page shown previously, you can click on a test plan's name to bring up a new screen that will allow you to view the test results of your scenarios for that specific test plan on different environments.


Click on "Rerun failed tests" to rerun any tests that failed.

For more information about rerunning failed tests in test plans, see the following article: Rerun a test plan.

Capabilities page

From an individual test plan's results page, like the one shown in the previous section, click on an execution environment to view all scenarios that have been run in that execution environment and other useful information.


You can also filter by failed scenarios, scenarios that need a review, and scenarios that failed with an internal error.

Click on a scenario to see the detailed test results for each step.

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