What is a Workspace? (Formerly known as Project)
  • 18 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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What is a Workspace? (Formerly known as Project)

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Article summary

⚠︎ Workspaces are available on particular plans. For details, please confirm this page.

A Workspace (formerly known as Projects) is a mechanism that enables an organization that uses Autify to have separate spaces to manage and execute tests.

Each organization has at least one Workspace. If you would like to have two or more Workspaces, you can do so as a paid option. Users can be invited per Workspace, so multiple Workspaces can be utilized to give users access only to specific product scenarios or test results. It's also possible to invite users to multiple workspaces.

Please note that you can test an unlimited number of applications and URLs in each Workspace.

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Please see the table below on which items are managed per organization/Workspace.

Organization・Contract period
・Number of test executions per month
・Browser environment in which tests are run
・Source IP address information
・User account information (In the organization)
・Whether Autify Connect is enabled or not
Workspaces (formerly known as Projects)・Information on Scenarios, Test Plans, and Test Results
・Resources during test execution
・Whether Parallel Execution is enabled or not
・Slack channel
・Email addresses for Email Testing
・Basic Authentication information
・Custom host information
・User account information (In the workspace)
・User invitation form
・JavaScript Snippets
・Access Point of Autify Connect/Key

When you should consider adding a new Workspace

Please consider adding a new Workspace in the following cases:

  • If you wish to manage Scenarios and Test Results independently. For example, if you test multiple products.
  • If you wish to keep the number of parallel instances independent of other Workspaces. This helps avoid interference with other teams' or products' test execution status.
  • If you are considering sharing test execution data of a specific product with external parties (e.g., outsourcers).

Should you have any questions about adding Workspaces, please contact us!

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