When creating a Step Group to use in the middle/end of a scenario, I cannot add a "Switch to new window" step. What should I do?
  • 31 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

When creating a Step Group to use in the middle/end of a scenario, I cannot add a "Switch to new window" step. What should I do?

  • Dark

Article summary

Currently on Autify, you cannot create Step Groups for the middle/end of a scenario that includes a "Switch to New Window" step.

However, you can add a "Switch to New Window" step by re-recording the step in a Step Group you've already created!
Here's how to do this:

  1. Create a Step Group using steps that don't include "Switch to New Window."
  2. Go to the Step Group you created.
  3. Find where you want to add a "Switch to New Window" step. Press the [+] button, click "Record Here," and add a "Switch to New Window" step.
  4. Once you're done re-recording, save the Step Group.

If you cannot create the desired Step Group following the above steps, please get in touch with our support team.

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