  • 17 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Replay is a feature that automatically performs steps until it reaches the section of your choosing, after which you can add more steps to a Scenario or Step Group. This feature eliminates the need to manually perform the same steps, making the editing process easier.

How to use Replay

  1. Go to a Scenario or Step Group

  2. Move the cursor between two steps

  3. Click the + icon
    Click '+' icon

  4. Select "Record here"
    Select "Record here"

The recording screen will be launched and steps up to the selected point will be automatically performed. If "Record here without replay" is selected instead, the preceding steps will not be performed.

Affected functions

When this step fails

Replay is affected by the value of "When this step fails" for each step that it performs. If "Ignore and continue" is set, Replay will continue even if that step fails.


If a data file is used in the scenario, the first row of data below the header will be used.

Step Group

If a step group is used in the scenario, any values associated with steps (such as a value used to assert that the correct text is displayed) will be used as normal. If a value has been overridden in the scenario, the overwritten value will be used for Replay as well.

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