  • 22 Oct 2024
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Article summary

Once you have logged into Autify's Platform you should see a similar screen to the one below with a few minor differences -
Main Screen

The left side column is what we will be talking about in this section.

All of the menu items can be clicked upon to navigate through the Autify platform. Below are descriptions of what each of the items do:


At the very top left where it says Default in the screenshot, is the [Workspaces] tab. Workspaces are the containers scenarios, test result, and the step group within it. Generally, a company starts out with one workspace unless they have purchased more than one and is usually named "Default". If your Organization has more than one workspace, you can cycle between workspaces by clicking the dropdown arrow and selecting a workspace.

You can change the name of your workspace in the "Settings" tab, which we will go over later.


Located below the [Workspaces] tab is the [Scenarios] tab. It displays the Scenario's created by the owning organization. A Scenario is a collection of steps that a user has created in order to test their platform. We will go over scenario creation in another section.

Step Groups

Following [Scenarios] we see the [Step Groups] tab. Step groups are a group of steps that are recorded that can be reused within a scenario. You can find out more about step groups here.


The [Results] tab shows a collection of test results. You can click on the result for more information. A test result shows whether a test has passed or failed. More on test results here.

Test Plans

Clicking on the [Test Plans] tab will display a list of test plans that an organization has created. A test plan is a group of scenarios that can all be run together. This is usually how an organization groups tests for their website. Test plan information here.

Usage Report

[Usage Report] provides easy-to-understand graphs that show how Autify is being used in your workspace. More on Usage Report here.

Autify Help Center

Clicking this will navigate to our help center where you can find our FAQ and other helpful information.


The [Settings] tab is where you can change any settings related to your Organization, Workspaces or your own user settings. More on Settings here.

Sign out

Click to sign out.

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