Release notes - June 9th, 2022
  • 08 Jun 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Release notes - June 9th, 2022

  • Dark

Article summary

The official Autify CLI is now live!


We are happy to announce Autify Command Line Interface (CLI)! Instead of manipulating individual APIs, our CLI aims to provide integration aligned with real-world use cases. This will make it easier than ever to build automated integrations with Autify such as CI/CD. More official integrations powered by Autify CLI will come soon!

See this document for the details:
Autify Command Line Interface (CLI)

Step Groups for the middle/end of a Scenario

Finally, we have begun releasing the feature that will allow you to use Step Groups in the middle or at the end of a Scenario! This further enhances the reusability of Step Groups and allows for true flexibility in Scenario creation.


To create a Step Group for the middle/end of a Scenario, a different procedure is needed than for the Step Group for the beginning of the Scenario. For detailed instructions, please refer to the following document:
Step Group for the middle/end of a Scenario

Note: This feature is being released gradually. If you are unable to see the feature from the screen but would like to use it, please contact the support team.

2. Other Updates ✨

Browser updates

  • Chrome 101
  • Edge 101
  • FireFox 100


  • Addressed the issue where “Review needed” can be displayed repeatedly in some cases even after clicking "Save as passed"
  • Added a link to the troubleshooting guide for “Element not found” error in test results
    • We will be adding more links to these documents that help you troubleshoot test failures. Stay tuned!.
      Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 8.53.27.png
  • Improved the performance of Scenario Details Page when the workspace had a lot of step groups

Bug fixes

Fixes related to Test Execution

  • Fixed the issue in test executions on Chrome where Click Element steps were sometimes displayed as failed when it was actually successful
  • Fixed the issue where the test fails when a target element contained double quotations in its attributes

Fixes related to Email Testing

  • Fixed the issue where random email addresses do not work as expected when you create a Scenario from history
  • Fixed the issue where random email addresses are saved as plain string when updating existing Scenarios
  • Fixed the error in Email Testing feature when received message contained URLs which have underscore characters in the domain


  • Fixed the issue where execute_scenarios API returns errors with mobile emulators
  • Fixed the issue where local replay stops working if it opened files such as .xlsx during the local replay
  • Fixed the issue where Slack notification ocasionally fails
  • We’ve also made several other improvements to improve test execution stability!

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