Release of November 12th, 2021
  • 30 Mar 2022
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Release of November 12th, 2021

  • Dark

Article summary

Released features🚀

If Local Replay stops, you can now resume it by manually fixing or ignoring the issue

This feature has been a long time in the making!🎉 When Local Replay stops while recording additional steps, you can resume Replay by dealing with the issue in one of the following ways:

  • Retry the failed step (new!)
  • Perform the failed step manually, or ignore the failed step and resume Replay (new!)
  • Abort the replay

For example, if Local Replay stops at a file upload step, which is unsupported on Local Replay, you can upload the file manually and continue!

You can move the Replay dialogue box when Replay has stopped. If you need to interact with the page, please move the dialogue box as needed.

Add a description to Test Scenarios

You can now write a description for your Test Scenario by clicking the [Edit] button, located on the right side of the Test Scenario name on the Scenario Details Page!

This feature is useful for sharing information such as the outline of the Test Scenario and cautions🤝

The header at the top of the Test Scenario follows when you scroll

The header section at the top of the Scenario Details Page, which includes the title and buttons, now follows when you scroll. You can Run now on Chrome or Save a long Test Scenario quickly without scrolling all the way to the top of the page!

Many real mobile environments added

We have just added several real mobile environments, including iPhone 12 series and various Galaxy devices, which you can specify as the test execution environment for your Test Plans!

Please get in touch if your contract does not include real mobile environments and would like to take this opportunity to test on real mobile devices.📱



Important announcements📢

Some real mobile environments are discontinued

We no longer offer the following real mobile environments because they were discontinued on the external device farm:

  • SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S3 7.0
  • SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 4 6.0
  • SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 4 4.4

As a result, you will no longer be able to select the above devices as the Test Plan execution environment. Execution environments will not be deleted if it has already been set in your Test Plans. If you have any Test Plans that regularly run in the above environments, please delete them as appropriate.

Please note that if you execute test plans in the above environments, the status will show as Pending.

Edge Legacy / Windows is no longer supported

Autify will no longer guarantee that tests will run on Edge Legacy / Windows, as Microsoft has discontinued its support. You can continue to select it as the execution environment, but please keep the following points in mind:

  • [Unknown error] and [Aborted due to an internal error] may occur more frequently.
  • Cross-browser tests may fail only on Edge Legacy.
  • We are unable to offer support for test results.

Other Updates ✨

  • We have updated the following browsers:
    • Chrome 95
    • Firefox 93
    • Edge 95
  • On the Scenario List Page and the Test Plan List Page, an item's background color will change when you mouse over it. This will help you select the correct target when duplicating or deleting from the kebab menu.
  • When checking screenshots on the Test Result Page, you can now compare the result with the last successful test run in the same environment, even if the test was executed from the Scenario Details Page or if the Test Plan is new.
  • During Local Replay, if there is a [Handle Alert] step, the system will wait a certain amount of time before the alert appears.
  • We've also made several other improvements for a better testing experience🏃‍♂️

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